Overthinking Back to the future

And you thought I would let the date go blank, right? We arrive and go through that moment where the three "Back to the Future" films are set in the past. The distant thirty years from 85 to 2015 passed without flying cars or hoverboards, the Fax was defeated and we didn't have so many sequels to the film Jaws... if only they had bet on the Star Wars film franchises they would be much closer to the truth. But I think everyone has read somewhere almost everything that can be said about the three films and their successes and failures, with one commendable exception: the time-space relationship of travel. You know: at the beginning of film one Dr. Brown tells us that Delorean cannot travel in space, only in time, so traveling in Hill Valley of 1985 can only take you to other Hill Valleys of other years. But to go from Hill Valley 1985, to New York in, say, 1929, you would have to choose between: either going to New York and then traveling back in time, or traveling back in ...